We’ve reached a real milestone together

Free Press


Last week, we delivered thousands of signatures directly to the Federal Communications Commission in support of Net Neutrality & Title II.

Public comments are a crucial part of the agency’s rulemaking process. This groundswell of support will demonstrate how companies like Comcast and their lobbyists are miles away from what real people like you want for the internet.

Thank you.

We don’t want to count our chickens before they hatch (or count our modems before they connect) but this moment has been a long time coming: With the majority of the FCC’s commissioners signaling that they want to bring back Net Neutrality and Title II, we’re on the verge of a huge victory for the open internet. This is an exciting shift after years of poor leadership in the Trump era, not to mention partisan blockades (looking at you, Ted Cruz) that kept the agency gridlocked until Commissioner Gomez was finally confirmed last September.

The FCC needs to complete its rulemaking process before we can officially celebrate the restoration of Net Neutrality and Title II. We’ll be in touch soon to explain what happens next (spoiler alert: a lot of closed-door lobbying and crummy behavior from desperate ISPs, but we’ll be there every step of the way to make sure Comcast cronies don’t win the day).

This is a huge moment, but the fight is far from over: Your $10 donation (or anything you can give) will help us keep up the pressure on the FCC until the rulemaking process concludes in April.

We cannot thank you enough,

Heather and the rest of the Free Press team

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