
Since launching in 2007, the National Human Trafficking Hotline has assisted more than 75,000 victims and survivors, helping them create safety plans, access social services, and report to law enforcement when required or requested. 

But sometimes there’s a gap. Maybe a victim has just left her trafficking situation but has nowhere to stay while she decides what’s next. Or she’s trying to get back home but has no money to pay for a plane ticket or a bus ride. 

That’s where you can help. Through our corporate partnerships, you can donate hotel points or flight miles through multiple rewards programs — helping to fill the gap for victims and survivors taking their next steps on their journeys toward healing and thriving.


It may seem like a small gesture, but these donations add up. Over the past three years, Polaris has been able to provide 1,200+ nights at hotels for over 600 survivors and 400+ flights for more than 300 survivors — thanks to the generosity of our hospitality partners and allies like you. 

This is an incredibly important lifeline. Before the pandemic, victims and survivors typically spent about two to three days in hotels before moving into longer-term shelters. Now, they wait about five to seven and up to ten days for a program to open up.

Last year, the Trafficking Hotline used hotel rooms and flights faster than ever. This year, we need your help to ensure we can keep answering the call.

Learn how you can contribute on our website, and please share this message with your friends and family. Together, we can give victims and survivors the opportunity to take their next steps toward healing and thriving.

In partnership,
Patrick McIntyre, Polaris
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Copyright © 2024 Polaris is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
P.O. Box 65323, Washington, D.C. 20035


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