A stay-at-home order goes into effect in my state today. This means that there is no leaving your house except to buy groceries, for medicine, or for gas to get to one of those two places. I know a lot of people are understandbly disappointed. I know others are relieved because since the days of small pox, quarantine has been a widely known way of slowing the spread of a virus. I know that everyone everywhere is hoping that by the end of this, they have a business left to run or a job to go back to.

Me? I welcome 2.5 weeks of no DFS in my life, no court, no motions, no unncessary appointments I've been forced to drag myself and my children to for the past two years in order to get my two children back who should never have ever been kidnapped by this agency. (I call it kidnapping because that's what you call it when people conspire together to target a mom and put her kids in foster care to adopt out). I welcome not having any of the stress or drauma that's associated with the constant litigation and a reprieve from the retaliation. I welcome time with my family and an opportunity to slow down and adopt a different life pace, even if it's just for a few weeks. My case is argued in front of the Court of Appeals on April 1st and I know that as soon as quarantine is over, I have to be ready to hit the ground running again.

If you've been begging/praying/hoping for an intervention in your crazy busy life, this may just be it. It's not happening on a beach in Cancun, but you can have more time with family, more sleep, the opportunity to homeschool, a break from the demands of a busy schedule, and a little time to think about your priorities and what you want to get out of life once you get to the other side of this. It's also the PERFECT time to adopt a healthy (or healthier) lifestyle.

Think of it as a reset.

If you missed my email on "preparing for all things viral," you can access it here.

For quarantine "prep," you'll find that here.

Love, Megan

The supplement line has LAUNCHED. Even though our main warehouse is in Chicago, Illinois, it is considered an "essential business," which means we are still allowed to take orders and ship them. However, inventory is limited and will be on a first come first serve basis. You can checkout the supplement line HERE.