From Team Padora <[email protected]>
Subject 51st Anniversary of Roe
Date January 21, 2024 7:45 PM
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Folks, tomorrow is the 51st anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision
in Roe v. Wade. And while we should be out celebrating this important and
progressive victory for women, instead we need to fight tooth and nail to win
back the House majority to codify the protections that Roe v. Wade offered.

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Tomorrow is the 51st anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision in Roe
v. Wade. And while we should be out celebrating this important and progressive
victory for women, instead we need to fight tooth and nail to win back the
House majority to codify the protections that Roe v. Wade offered.

A right-wing Supreme Court struck Roe v. Wade down and created a sprint by
other states to implement the most extreme abortion bans they could.Lauren
Boebert applauded the overturning ofRoe, cheered those bans on, and would love
nothing more than to vote for a national abortion ban.

So today, in honor of the 51st anniversary of Roe v Wade, will you donate $15
to John Padora’s campaign to help him defeat Lauren Boebert, flip the House,
and codify abortion rights into law?
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Knolls&state=&phone=&express_lane=true&amount=10> DONATE $25 NOW!
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Clearly, we cannot rely upon the courts to protect our fundamental rights.
That’s why we need Democrats back in charge in the House to get this done.
We’ve got an incredible opportunity in front of us not just to send John to the
House but to kick one of the most anti-choice extremists out in the process.

So will you help us get that done by chipping into John’s campaign?
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Thank you so much,

Team Padora

I'm John Padora, a Democrat running for Congress in CD-04. Lauren Boebert
recently jumped into my district in a desperate attempt to stay in DC.

My campaign is powered by grassroots donations - donate anything you can
monthly to keep Boebert OUT of this seat.

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Paid for by Padora for Colorado

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