I asked Chase Bank CEO how his tellers could afford to live on the low salaries his bank was paying.
In a 2020 Congressional hearing, I asked Chase Bank CEO how his tellers could afford to live on the low salaries his bank was paying. I used my trusty whiteboard to break down the budget of a single mom living in Orange County. The Chase teller was just trying to pay rent, feed one kid, and afford after school care. She was short the money she needed for necessities, and Jamie Dimon didn’t have answers. ⬇️
Now, this week, surrounded by the world’s wealthiest, most powerful people in Davos, Switzerland, Jamie Dimon praised Donald Trump and his economic policies:
“Take a step back, be honest. He grew the economy quite well. Trade tax reform worked. He was right about some of China,” the JP Morgan Chase boss told CNBC.
Look, when I questioned Dimon, Donald Trump was president. And at that time, the economy wasn’t working for working people all across the country. It still isn’t.
But when Republicans or Jamie Dimon say the economy was better under Trump, it’s a load of BS. The tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy and the rising inequality were nice for the people who took a private jet to ski in Switzerland, but for the rest of us—we’re still dealing with the consequences.
I’d love to question Jamie Dimon again—this time from the U.S. Senate. Whether I have my whiteboard or not, I’ll always hold these guys accountable and fight to create an economy that doesn’t just benefit CEOs.
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