Dear folks,
Like many of you, I'm working from home today with my family as we practice social distancing to help slow the spread of the coronavirus -- and we're doing the best we can. When I talk with reporters on the phone, my sons Jack and Charlie occasionally join the conversation, as perhaps your children are doing as well. It has fast become the new normal for those who are lucky enough to be able to work remotely.
For those of you who are at work today -- the people who are caring for the sick and vulnerable, preparing and serving food, stocking our grocery store shelves, driving trucks and delivering necessities to those in quarantine, cleaning our offices and schools and keeping our communities safe -- thank you for your service and sacrifice. I pray that you and your families remain safe and healthy.
Kudos also to the incredible work being done by our elected officials and public servants across the state -- mayors, school board members, county leaders, council members. This is the reason we work so hard on elections every year, at every level -- we need great public servants at times like these! And so many have been leading their communities in inspiring ways.
Speaking of elected officials, our Democratic leaders in the Statehouse, led by Leaders Emilia Sykes and Kenny Yuko, are ready to go the Statehouse next week to fight for broad relief as the crisis hits Ohio -- through steps to minimize the spread as much as possible, shore up our health response, as well as to minimize the economic damage it is already rendering across the state. There is so much that has to be done, but our legislators are up to it.
Quick Update on the Ohio Primary
With many of us staying at home, social media has become a major way for folks to connect and share information. Unfortunately, not all of that information is always correct.
There has been a lot of misinformation surrounding our primary election and the Ohio Democratic Party's decision to go to court to ensure those who have yet to cast their ballot are able to do so -- and do so safely.
As we stated on Monday, we supported Dr. Amy Acton and Gov. Mike DeWine in their decision to close polling places this week -- we had heard from across Ohio that polling locations were simply not ready to operate a safe and clean election for poll workers or voters. However, we also strongly believe that all Ohioans should still have a right to vote in the primary, and went to court Tuesday to ensure that the state has firm legal ground to extend the primary for all those who intended to vote Tuesday (something only a court or the legislature can do).
In addition, whether through the court or the legislature, we are proposing that Ohio not take the risk of scheduling another in-person primary for early June (which Secretary Frank LaRose is touting) -- which defies all that we are hearing about when this crisis will end. Instead, we are advocating a broad mail-in election, giving voters the opportunity to request and vote via absentee ballot, either by mail with prepaid postage, or at a secured curbside drop off location. We also would require accommodations for those who cannot vote a paper ballot without assistance. The end of this expanded vote-by-mail election would be well earlier than June 2, which is helpful in many ways. There are simply too many uncertainties with attempting to conduct a statewide "Election Day" with in-person voting to put all our eggs in that basket. We are working across party lines to get this done.

So despite what you hear -- at this time, there is no resolution about how our primary election will be concluded, on what day and in what form. Our Ohio House and Senate Democrats will be addressing this issue and other major pieces of legislation to deal with the coronavirus outbreak. They have been talking with their colleagues across the aisle, and we have been in conversation with the governor's office throughout.

Whether or not the General Assembly solves this, we also will push our position in court as a backstop to ensure the primary is extended in a way that protects public health and Ohioans' right to vote.
Still have questions? Our Voter Protection Team can help. Call our Voter Protection Hotline at 1-833-DEM-VOTE (833-336-8683) for assistance.
Getting Assistance
While democracy must go forward through thick and thin, for many, there are near-term needs that are far more pressing. Perhaps you or someone you know is dealing with food insecurity, job loss or mental health concerns. Here are a few resources you can utilize or share.
We're all in this together.
Stay safe,
David Pepper
Ohio Democratic Party
