Ross For Maine

Add your name and tell Susan Collins it’s time for leadership.

John —

The Trump administration finally admitted that COVID-19 is a serious threat. That’s after almost a month of misleading us to protect the President’s poll numbers.

And where was Susan Collins for all of this? That’s right: she took a three-day weekend with Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP Senate Majority before finally passing legislation on Thursday. We need leadership now more than ever, but Susan Collins and her colleagues continue to let us down.

Sign our petition and tell Susan Collins that it’s time for action instead of excuses when it comes to the COVID-19 response >>>

Nearly every day, Donald Trump continues to mislead the American people. Today, it was on the efficacy of a malaria drug to treat patients with the coronavirus.

Despite what Susan Collins claims, Trump didn’t learn any lessons from his impeachment. Now we’re facing the consequences. Still, Susan Collins and Mitch McConnell refuse to hold the Administration accountable.

Add your name and join me in calling for comprehensive legislation to address this crisis >>>

Thank you for your support,

Ross LaJeunesse



Paid for by Ross for Maine
Ross for Maine
P.O. Box 1163,
Biddeford, ME 04005
United States

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