We’re counting on your support. 

Since we emailed yesterday, hundreds of Fair Fight Action supporters have added their name to support Representative Summer Lee’s Protect the Vote Act.

And we wanted to make sure you don’t miss this chance to make your voice heard.

Will you sign your name to say you’re in favor of the Protect the Vote Act? The more noise we can make now, the more likely we are to get this critical piece of legislation across the finish line.

We are in a fight for our democracy.

As anti-voter forces continue their efforts to rip away voting rights and decide elections by themselves, we must push back with a vision of our democracy that includes all of us.

That’s why we need to pass Representative Summer Lee’s Protect the Vote Act. It would restore a critical pillar of the Voting Rights Act. And it would preserve the ability of civil and voting rights groups to fight on behalf of — and deliver relief to — voters across the country.

Add your name if you agree: We must pass the Protect the Vote Act to ensure our democracy actually represents all our voices.


The ongoing erosion of the freedom to vote in the U.S. is a direct result of a decade of rulings by the federal courts that have whittled away the protections of the Voting Rights Act. 

As anti-voter extremists continue waging a nationally coordinated effort to push ballot access as far out of reach as possible — particularly for Black and brown voters — the Protect the Vote Act could not come at a more urgent time. 

This critical piece of legislation would make it easier to defend the freedom to vote by lowering a burdensome threshold imposed by the Supreme Court for those types of legal challenges. And it would help ensure all of our communities can participate in the democratic process.

Let’s do everything we can to get this bill over the finish line. We need every Fair Fight Action member to add their voice to this fight. 

Please sign your name to say you support the Protect to Vote Act — and let’s fight side by side to get this legislation passed.

Thanks for taking action,

The Fair Fight Action Team