Brothers and Sisters,


Incredible news! After over a year of tough negotiations, Teamsters Local 2010 has reached a tentative agreement with CSU, which means Teamsters will NOT be on strike at CSU next week! We applaud the union for this historic TA. Upon ratification by the membership, it includes significant guaranteed raises, establishment of a salary step system for the first time in decades, and critical contracting out protections. Teamsters 2010 members will be voting on this historic TA in the coming days, stay tuned!?

Our siblings at CFA, however, still haven't been heard by CSU on their critical demands, including equitable salary adjustments, manageable workloads, and paid parental leave. We stand with CFA as long as it takes to get a fair contract with CSU!?

The California Labor Federation has sanctioned CFA's statewide strike from January 22 to 26. We urge all affiliate unions and labor councils to honor CFA picket lines across all 23 CSU campuses. To find the times and dates for the picket lines, click here.?

In Solidarity,

Lorena Gonzalez?