Lots of people see California as a “safe” blue state, but a troubling new poll is showing us why we cannot be complacent.

Lots of people see California as a “safe” blue state...

But a troubling new poll is showing us why we cannot be complacent.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Garvey is SURGING in a new poll — doubling his support in just the last few months alone.

We cannot let Steve Garvey get anywhere close to flipping California’s critical U.S. Senate seat red. Will you please rush a donation right now, so that the California Democratic Party can stop his momentum in its tracks?

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This new poll shows that if our Primary Election were held today, Republican Steve Garvey could finish second.

With so many candidates in the race, there’s even an outside chance that Republicans could “shut out” the other Democrats by finishing 1st and 2nd — meaning our U.S. Senate seat would flip red.

We’re not leaving any of that to chance, John.

The California Democratic Party is mobilizing on the ground ahead of our upcoming Primary Election, but we want to ramp up our efforts ASAP in light of this alarming poll.

We cannot be complacent. Will you please rush a donation of $20.24 or more to fund our grassroots campaign?

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Thank you,


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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | www.cadem.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States