I want to take a break for a moment and check in with you, folks.

I know how difficult this time is for so many families. All day, every day, I’ve been thinking about how this is affecting people.

It’s okay to be scared right now -- people are losing their jobs, small businesses are closing, seniors are concerned about their health, and families across the country are worried about what comes next.

I’m fighting to give Colorado the strong leadership we deserve right now. Sometimes, that starts with listening.

So, I’m making sure I hear directly from everyday families about how this crisis is affecting them. And I want to hear from you, too.

I want to know how the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected you and your loved ones. If you feel comfortable, please share your story here.

I will never stop fighting to keep Coloradans safe.

If you're willing, we’d love to share these stories, too. Chances are someone else is experiencing something similar to what you’re going through. Even if we’re all keeping our distance from each other, it doesn’t mean we have to go through this alone.

Please take care of yourself and your loved ones during this emergency.

Sending all my best,
