1stMarineJarHead is back with more diary entries from young Jessica, who we met at Christmas in his first short story.
one hints at things that are darker, as is very likely the case when things go downhill.
It's interesting. I read a post on Zero Hedge last week that talked about an uptick in psychopaths that is already occurring in the US, and the author of that was right, too. Crime is so extreme lately, even in a lot of "good" neighborhoods.
Grab some hot coffee or tea, curl up under a blanket on this very chilly Saturday, and follow Jessica's story.
You believe in the principles this country was founded on. You have no time for Socialists or Commies. You love the America you grew up in. You hold dear the rights ensured by our Constitution.
But, hey, you still want to be a little zen.
Have we got a coloring book for you! The Freedom Isn't Free Coloring
Book is jam-packed with 30 mellow designs and quotes that will do your liberty-loving heart good.
This coloring book is perfect for you or your favorite red-blooded American... who also likes to break out the coloring pencils or markers and chill out after a long day of face-palm-inducing news and nonsense.