Team -- this morning, Andrew Yang qualified for the fall debates.

That puts nine people on the stage in September. It’s going to be crowded up there, so we increased our August mid-month goal to $350,000 to make sure Cory stands out.

I know we can come together and raise $350,000 by next Wednesday, but we’ll need your help to get there. Will you chip in $5 and make sure we’re on pace to hit this goal?

Let’s show America what this underdog grassroots campaign is capable of achieving. This is one of our biggest goals yet, but if there’s any team that can do it, it’s this one.

Love this team,

Addisu Demissie
Campaign Manager
Cory 2020



Team, here’s a quick update on the fall Democratic debates:

FIRST: Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren met the DNC’s 130,000 individual donor and polling requirements to qualify for the fall debates.

THEN: This grassroots team stepped up and made sure we got there too -- and I can’t thank you enough.

NOW: Amy Klobuchar and Andrew Yang just qualified for the fall debates. And Julián Castro and Tulsi Gabbard are on the cusp of getting there as well.

With more and more candidates qualifying every day -- Andrew Yang just qualified this morning, bringing the number of candidates to nine -- we need to make sure this underdog campaign stands out. That’s why my team raised our mid-month goal to $350,000 by August 15th.

Will you chip in to help us amplify our campaign’s message and reach this goal?

This campaign doesn’t take a dime from corporate PACs, federal lobbyists, and fossil fuel or pharma execs. We’re powered by grassroots donors, and that’s why it’s essential that we don’t miss critical goals like these.

It’s because of people like you that I’ll be on the stage in September. And it’s because of you that we’ll be able to stand out. So I’m asking, will you help us raise our brand new mid-month goal of $350,000 by August 15th and make sure we have the resources to spread our message across the country?






Paid for by Cory 2020

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