Brothers and Sisters,


The California Labor Federation has granted statewide strike sanction to both the California Faculty Association (CFA) and Teamsters Local 2010 for strikes across the California State University (CSU) system.

CFA and Teamsters 2010 have escalated to a five-day unfair labor practice strike from January 22 to 26. The California Labor Federation urges all affiliate unions and labor councils to honor the picket lines across all 23 CSU campuses. To find the times and dates for the picket lines, click here and here.

This action follows previous strikes in November and December as a response to CSU's persistent unfair labor practices and bad-faith bargaining. Despite the crucial role Teamsters’ members play in keeping the CSU system running, their demands for a real salary step system and resolution of wage stagnation remain unaddressed. Similarly, CFA members’ calls for equitable salary adjustments, manageable workloads, enhanced student services, and improved health and safety rights have been met with disregard by CSU management.


Let’s demonstrate the solidarity of our statewide labor movement and join CFA and Teamsters 2010 on the picket lines next week!

In Solidarity,

Lorena Gonzalez