In a competitive primary like this one, debates have real power to sway voters.
Here’s a behind the scenes look at Katie prepping for Monday’s CA-SEN debate!
John, I’m so excited for Californians to hear directly from Katie. In a competitive primary like this one, debates have real power to sway voters.
But we know not everyone will tune into the debate—that’s why turning clips of Katie’s answers into social media posts or ads is so critical. In order to have the resources to do that, I’ve set a goal of 1,000 new donations by the time Katie takes the debate stage Monday night.
Help us hit 1,000
You can watch the debate on Monday, January 22nd at 6 PM PT/9 PM ET by tuning into Fox 11 Los Angeles or by watching on their Youtube channel, linked here.
Thanks for your continued support of Katie,
Lacey M.
Campaign Manager
Katie Porter for Senate