Fellow Republicans, 

We are excited to announce that tickets to our inaugural Bank Your Vote Gala have sold out! Illinois Republicans are excited to make history as we get ready to launch our very first statewide gala. Our inaugural Bank Your Vote gala will start an annual tradition that Illinois Republicans can rally behind and use as a platform to keep fighting for our family values in the state. Across the Land of Lincoln, Republicans are thrilled to be part of an event that inspires pride and hope within the Republican Party and we certainly can’t wait to see you there. 


Our sold out event would not be possible without our gala co-chairs, dynamos Kari Galassi and Greg Hart. Leading by example, Kari Galassi rallied patriots, parents, businesses and community leaders, and led our gala team to great heights. Thank you to so many of our volunteers and supporters, just to highlight a few like Larisa Calvanese, Mark Hurley, Cathy Hofmann, Christine Trainer, Kate Marnell, Cindy Moncrief, Lauren Houder, Donna Mittelstadt, Kristin McCloy, members of our Finance Committee, our great partners like the Republican County Chairmen’s Association, and so many more. 

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Gala and don’t forget to save the date for next year. If you are unable to attend due the sellout or otherwise, but would like to support and help us fundraise our GOTV efforts, you can also support this event by donating wine to our wine auction, or by donating an item for our event auction!

Our gala will encourage, raise awareness, and funds to help Republicans Bank Your Vote. To beat Biden and Illinois Democrats, Republicans must Bank Your Vote. When Republicans vote early, we win. ‘Bank Your Vote’ is designed to get Republicans to vote early in person or by mail to Beat Biden and secure Republican victories up and down the ballot. 

U.S. Senator John Kennedy will be the keynote speaker at the Gala, check out his highlight reel here. Senator Kennedy is a true champion of conservative values and our constitutional rights. He believes that America is the greatest nation in all human history and that our freedoms must always be defended. As Senator, he has fought to lower taxes, protect 2nd Amendment rights, secure the Southern border, and defend life. In addition, Ronna McDaniel Chair of the Republican National Committee and leader of the national Bank Your Vote program will also be in attendance and speak. 

On a personal note, I would like to thank everyone for your kind messages as I shared personally about my family in last week’s memo. Family is where life begins and love never ends and it is what fuels me to do this important work every day. I look forward to seeing you soon and thank you for your commitment to our party and to our conservative values for our state and nation!

If you are interested in sponsoring the Gala, please click HERE. You can also support this event in several other ways: donating wine to our wine auction, or by donating an item for our event auction!

Efforts are under way for recruiting poll watchers and election judges, sign up today to ensure fair and transparent elections! Want to get involved or have us to do a training in your county? Please reach out to our Election Integrity Director at [email protected]

We also examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago and in suburban Cook County. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican who lives in Cook County to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. We need you! Please contact CJ, our Election Integrity Director for more information. 

In case you have recently moved or just wish to check your registration status go to https://ova.elections.il.gov/RegistrationLookup.aspx to make sure that your voter registration is up to date ahead of the crucial 2024 election cycle.

To find out how you can help save Illinois, go to the Illinois Election Integrity Program website at ieip.org. Volunteer for as little or as much as you are able! Volunteers can help by joining the Illinois Election Integrity Program. Please reach out to CJ, our Election Integrity Director for further assistance.

We frequently hear that this Memo is not as widely distributed as it should be. Please help us in that regard by forwarding it to your family and friends. Click on the sign-up link

The Center for Election Confidence (CEC) released an academic study by Princeton Professor Nolan McCarty on ranked-choice voting (RCV). This paper is significant as it is the first academic statistical study using voting data and written by a mainstream academic from a nonpartisan perspective on the harmful racial impact of RCV. His conclusions include that RCV effectively disenfranchises minorities, including African-American and Native Alaskan voters, via ballot exhaustion at higher rates than white voters and diminishes minority electoral participation and influence. 

You can read the executive summary here, and the whole study here.  We hope this will be useful to all of you in your efforts to fight against RCV.


What is the Center for Election Confidence?  We used to be called Lawyers Democracy Fund! We changed our name for two reasons: (1) confusion with the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund ("LDF"), which is anti-election integrity, and (2) we see “confidence” in our elections as an important issue that needs to be addressed and that encompasses all of the election issues we all care about - integrity, security, transparency, trust, fairness, clear standards and processes, etc. 

  • Strengthening voter ID laws = more confidence in elections.
  • Cleaner voter registration lists = more confidence in elections.
  • Allowing observers at every step of the process = more confidence in elections.
  • Not changing the rules governing the election close to the election = more confidence in elections.
  • Election officials following clear rules and processes and publishing those rules for easy access by the public = more confidence in elections.
  • Transparent and easy to understand election systems (not RCV, star voting, etc.) = more confidence in elections.

CEC is a rebranding and not a change in mission. We hope your new year is off to a great start and look forward to continuing to work with all of you to promote confidence in our election systems and outcomes!

Chairman's Newsletter Spotlight: 



Chairman's Podcast Highlight:

Patrick Pfingsten of theillinoize.com sits down with Ray Long of the Chicago Tribune to discuss crime, corruption, the criminal trial of former House Speaker Michael Madigan, and more. 


Chairman's satire: 

Thank you for all you do and for supporting the Illinois Republican Party.


Don Tracy

Please stand with us and consider making a $10 or $25 contribution to our efforts. Your generous donation will fund our fight against the Democrat socialist agenda. Thank you in advance.

Illinois Republican Party | PO Box 64897, Chicago, IL 60664
