John –

This week, I outlined the urgent need for Congress to act on border security. I also outlined the reason behind the March for Life, which took place this week in our nation’s capital, and defended Ronald Reagan’s conservative legacy in the face of misplaced criticism from our own side. 

As always, the support of committed patriots like you is the lifeblood of my campaign. I’m choosing to run for re-election because I believe our country is still worth fighting for, and because I want to continue the progress we’ve made for the conservative movement and sound conservative policies over the past 5 years. If you’re willing to contribute anything at all to my campaign, I would greatly appreciate it as my primary election quickly approaches.
As always, thank you for your continued support. Now, here’s your brief.
There is a heated debate in Congress right now over border security legislation being drafted in the Senate. 

We don’t know exactly what is in the deal, but this is what I’m looking for:

  • Ceasing the mass parole - i.e. catch and release - of illegal immigrants that the Biden Administration has allowed.

  • Reforms to our asylum laws to close the loopholes that incentivize primarily economic migrants to claim asylum to gain entry into our country.

  • Reimplementation of programs like the Remain in Mexico policy that prevents migrants from being released into the interior of our country while their asylum claim is adjudicated. 

These are the major policy changes that need to be in this package for me to take this seriously and consider voting for it. But I’m not going to reflexively oppose this legislation without seeing it. 

There are some in our party who are more interested in sound bites than policy making. Some are making the argument that we should shut the government down if we don’t get border security. And there are some who argue we should wait until 2025, when there may be a Republican in the White House, to consider any legislation. 

Both arguments are nonsensical. If we shut the government down, we will lose that political battle, have the blame for the shutdown be placed squarely at our feet, and never have the opportunity to implement border security measures. Our leverage is Ukraine aid, which the White House wants and which we need to deny unless we have serious policy changes at the southern border. 

And we cannot wait another year to address the unprecedented crisis at our southern border. As a Texan, I will not sit by while my state continues to bear the brunt of illegal immigration because there are those who would rather play politics with this issue. 

My only priority is border security. And we must do everything to achieve it.
In the aftermath of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many might ask why this march is still important. Here’s why we still march:

1. We march because the Biden Administration is actively trying to defund pregnancy centers. It should not be controversial to provide care and resources so that mothers choose life. 

For a group of people who claim to be pro-choice, progressives are revealing that they’re actually just pro-abortion. 

2. We march because the Biden Administration has politicized the FDA, and is working to roll back major safety protocols that limit chemical abortion. 

As with all abortion, chemical abortion is bad for women. In fact, there is a 53% greater risk of ER visits for chemical abortion as opposed to surgical abortion. That’s from analyzing insurance claims data. 

3. We march because Democrats support abortion until the point of birth.

This is completely out of step with the majority of Americans. Not only are we on the moral side of the argument, 69% of Americans support some limits on abortion. We have an obligation to not compromise our morals and keep fighting until abortion is a terrible relic of human history.

That is why the March for Life is still so vitally important.
There’s a strange new trend with some people on our side who have recently decided that Ronald Reagan is “not conservative” enough, and a relic of the past. They’re wrong. 

There is still so much we can learn from Reagan’s conservative legacy, relevant to important fights happening in America today. 

The key thing to understand about Reaganism is that Reagan did not fight just to fight. Reagan fought to win on critical fronts in the culture wars. 

As we look at fighting the DEI ideology that is destroying higher education right now, we should look to Reagan’s higher education battles.

What did Reagan do when University of California administrators coddled student and faculty radicals that were rioting? He sent in the National Guard. What did he do when the violence continued? He shut down all 28 public colleges and universities in the state for four days. Not to mention, he also did the serious work of instituting budgetary reforms to prevent the administrative bloat that we see in higher education today.

We have to take the same approach. That means confronting the taxpayer-funded DEI that has propped up left-wing illiberalism and enabled the explosion of antisemitism we see on college campuses. How do we do this? Let’s start by creating smart higher ed policy. 

I have a bill that will prevent taxpayer dollars from flowing to universities that force students to write DEI statements. Most Americans know the left is crazy, but we have to make sure that conservatives look like the adults in the room.

It’s important to acknowledge Reagan’s conservative legacy, learn lessons from him, and implement those lessons in our political debates today.
My custom eyepatch is back in stock - with options for left or right eye. Durable, strong, and comfortable. It’s the same eyepatch I wear everyday.
That’s it for this week’s campaign brief. Thank you for reading and staying informed.
In Service,
Dan Crenshaw

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