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Hi Friend,
As you'll see that while many politicians (and just
about all the Wellington bureaucrats!) are enjoying long holidays, our
team are back at work exposing waste, fighting for more more taxpayer
victories, and promoting sensible improvements for how your money is
Thousands of Brand New State Houses Sitting
Empty 🏠🔥

Despite the state housing waitlist being more than 30,000 people
long, thousands
of brand new state houses have been sitting empty, some for months
at a time. Taxpayers spent millions on building and purchasing these
properties, so they should be filled rather than left to collect
Of course, the wider issue is the state of bureaucratic regulation
in the housing sector that effectively makes it illegal to build a
cheap house. The chaotic
mess of red tape creates unworkable, unnecessary and ineffective
restrictions on building and renting homes. This drives up the costs
of housing and forces people onto that waitlist.
It is clear that big and centralised government is not good at
getting people into affordable housing. It is a scandal that for a
country with a small population, and plenty of land, housing is among
the most expensive in the world.
The new government has talked a good talk on cutting red
tape and simplifying our planning laws such as the Resource Management
Act. This year, one of our major focuses will be on ensuring they
follow through. New Zealand cannot afford another generation without
access to affordable housing, both for renters, and those who want to
build or buy.
In terms of social housing, rather than trying, yet again, to fix
Kāinga Ora and its centralised model, we say the Government should be
focused at enabling (including funding) local community groups to
provide both high quality housing and social services as they are
likely to deliver far better value for the taxpayer long term.
Because empty houses is not the only failure happening at Kāinga
Kāinga Ora's $2 Million Cost Blowout on Ridiculous Housing
Project 🚧🧱
You would think that, to the extent to which central
government should be responsible for building houses, they would
actually build them in areas where they are most needed and have
appropriate social services nearby. Think again...
On Thursday, we
called out a cost blowout on a state housing development that
shows everything wrong with Kāinga Ora. The development which
would create 44 residential houses in Ohakune was originally intended
to cost $5.2 million but has since blown out by 44% to $7.5 million.
This supposedly post-COVID lockdown 'shovel-ready' project has been in
the pipeline since 2020 yet four years later we are yet to see a
single shovel hit dirt!
The cost blowout comes as no surprise given the Auditor-General
slammed the 'shovel ready' slush fund for its poor decision making
and continuous wastage of taxpayer money.

There are countless reasons why this project should never
have been approved in the first place. For a start, approving a
44-house development in a small town where there are only 11 families
in Ohakune on the housing waitlist, is questionable when thousands of
people remain in taxpayer
funded hotels temporary housing across the
country. Surely a development of this scale should go where
it is most needed?
To make things worse, Ohakune has virtually no social services and
no local GP so the wrap-around services that will be needed for some
of these families will simply not be available.
The funding for this project was originally tuned down
twice due to its unviability with one of the early
due diligence reports deeming it a "no go". But when COVID
came along, the bureaucrats hit 'go' anyway.
It is clear that things are seriously bad at Kāinga Ora. We
understand that the new Minister, Chris Bishop, has written to them
outlining his expectations but if things don't turn around soon, the
Board will be sacked. Good.
The Taxpayer-friendly "Disinformation Project": Stop
Bureaucrats from Describing Taxpayer-Funded Services as
'Free' 🇦🇷🤥

Too often Government agencies mislead the public and disrespect
taxpayers by claiming that many public services are ‘free’, when they
are in fact taxpayer-funded.
Whether it is 'free' prescriptions, 'free' first year university,
or 'free' healthcare, the truth of it is that the money needs to come
from somewhere – you the taxpayer.
While there are strong arguments for the taxpayer to cover the
costs of some services up front, to dishonestly label those services
as free is disrespectful to the hardworking Kiwis footing the bill. It
is political disinformation, and it's time it stopped.
So, hot on the heels of a similar proposal from new Argentinian
President Javier Milei, the Taxpayers' Union this week launched
a petition calling on the Government to ban public servants from
using the word 'free' when referring to taxpayer-funded
Words matter. Every election we see politicians trying to bribe
voters with promises of "free this", or "free that" but, at the end of
the day, there is no such thing as a free lunch. We suspect that if
they said taxpayer-funded instead, we would see a lot more people
looking at these policies with a critical eye.
Of course, political parties can campaign however they like (that's
why we work so hard to counter the political spin-doctors during the
election campaign) but once a party is in Government, they must
communicate truthfully and transparently with taxpayers. If we can't
trust the government to be honest, public trust in our democratic
institutions is eroded.
the call for honesty by signing the petition here.
Auckland Dominion Road Trams Scrapped – Saving $15,000 per
Household 🚆✖️
This week we also celebrated
the Government finally pulling the plug on Auckland Tramway, sorry, "Light
Rail", which saw hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money
wasted with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Since its inception, the tramway has racked
up a near quarter of a billion-dollar bill in consultant fees and
building purchases, yet in all that time we still didn't see a single
metre of track being laid!
In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, there was simply no
justification for the Government to continue reaching deeper into
Kiwis pockets, especially when the budget was only continuing to
skyrocket. Advice to the Minister showed costs could reach as
high as $29.2 billion, or $15,000 for every household in the
This is a necessary first step from the Government in what we hope
will be further moves to tighten its belt and cut back on wasteful
pipe-dream projects. But if the new coalition is really serious about
slashing waste, it needs to address another glaring problem, which is
how these non-roading initiatives continue to raid the National Land
Transport Fund (NLTF).
We’ve long called for the NLTF, which is funded by fuel taxes and
road user charges, to go back to funding exclusively what it is
actually meant for: roading infrastructure. We're calling on the
Government to properly ring-fence the fund, and ensures it does not
continue to be pillaged for projects irrelevant to the purposes of our
roading network, such as rail and cycleways. More to come on this in
the coming months...
Farewell to our Australian Intern, Rhys Budge 👋🇦🇺
Last year, Rhys Budge jumped across the ditch from Australia to
join us for a couple of months on an internship thanks to a bursary
from our friends at the Mannkal
Economic Education Foundation, a freemarket organisation in

Rhys has been a fantastic addition to the team who has been
involved in a wide range of research and investigations tasks during
his time here. Rhys was responsible for research and producing our
Nanny State Approved Christmas Feast report and has written
another soon to be released reports on MP pay and the eye-watering
costs of government branding and website 'refreshes'.
Rhys heads back to Australia to finish his studies in economics and
finance and we know he will go on to do great things. We wish him the
best of luck!
has written a blog post about his time at the Taxpayers' Union which
you can read here.
Support the Next Generation of Fiscally Prudent Political
Leaders 🧒🧠
As someone who started at the Taxpayers' Union as an intern, I know
the value of being able to learn about and apply 'radical' ideas such
as democratic accountability, transparency, and limited
Being a student in a city like Wellington, the Taxpayers' Union
internship allowed me to escape the echo-chamber of thought that
plagues universities and is an opportunity for free discussion, lively
debate, and being
part of a great team.

Unlike the political parties (we're
looking at you Labour!), we pay our interns. And, as you will see
in the coming weeks from some of Rhys' work, they produce great
research that holds the government to account and exposes government
If you would like to support the Taxpayers' Union internship
programme, you
can chip in to help fund an intern here.
Other News in Brief ⏰
Callum is back from seeing his family Scotland this weekend, so
it'll be my turn to take some summer leave. I've enjoyed leading the
campaign team over the holidays and can't wait for more policy wins
this year.
Thanks for your support,
 Connor Molloy Campaigns
Manager New Zealand Taxpayers’

NZ Herald Govt
announces review of Kāinga Ora, Christopher Luxon responds to
criticism over publicly-funded te reo lessons
Herald Former
transport minister Michael Wood lashes out at National for scrapping
Auckland light rail
Rural News Clocking-up
Stuff Why
the South Island’s slow shrinking could require Parliament to
NZ City The
Taxpayers' Union wants more changes to how our road user charges