Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that she has extended the District of Columbia Government’s modified operating status until Monday, April 27, including the adjusted DC Government operating posture and distance learning at the District’s public schools.
DCPS facilities will remain closed and distance learning will take place through Friday, April 24. At this time, classes are scheduled to resume on Monday, April 27. The District’s charter school operators are expected to follow DCPS’ operating status.
With the extension of distance learning, schools will continue to implement consistent methods to deliver instruction remotely to students in ELA and Math. District Government will work with schools to address challenges where they exist and develop engagement and submission mechanisms to increase the demands of online learning.
Due to the extended school closures, OSSE plans to seek a one-year waiver from the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements around assessments, and will cancel statewide summative assessments for students, including Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and DC Science.