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DAILY ENERGY NEWS  | 01/19/2024
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The Unregulated Podcast #165: Like Father, Like Daughter

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"The hard reality is that the Biden Administration’s EV mandates are bad for U.S. energy security and national security. The mandates are unrealistic and unattainable. They will give China control over critical supply chains and increase costs for consumers and taxpayers. The EPA’s EV mandates should be scrapped."


– Robert Bryce, Substack

The PROVE IT Act is a carbon tax and history shows that giving your enemies this tool will lead to them using it against you. 

E&E News (1/19/24) reports: "Four Republicans broke with others in their party Thursday to back legislation that would study the greenhouse gas footprint of certain industrial imports and exports — something that could lead to the creation of new tariffs. The committee vote was an encouraging sign for champions of the bill who feared that pushback from conservative activists would alienate would-be supporters. 'It was a big enough margin that we have an impetus for bringing it to the floor, either by itself or in a package of some sort,' Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) told reporters following the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee markup of the measure, which passed, 14-5...  In a notable illustration of that lack of trust, EPW Committee ranking member Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) unsuccessfully offered an amendment during the markup to restrict Congress from ever passing legislation to create a carbon tax or tariff through the budget reconciliation process, a parliamentary tool used by the majority party to circumvent the legislative filibuster. 'We have seen through the Inflation Reduction Act how innocuous data collation responsibilities can later be weaponized to implement damaging partisan policies, including taxes,' said Capito, offering the new methane fee as a prime example...  Conservative anxieties are so rampant that the data collected through the 'PROVE IT Act' will be later used to implement a domestic carbon tax that Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions President Heather Reams predicted Thursday that only an endorsement from former President Donald Trump or his campaign surrogates could get the bill enough GOP support. Days before the markup, more than 40 conservative organizations wrote to members of Congress warning that the 'PROVE IT Act' was 'a gateway for a carbon tax on imported goods and a domestic carbon tax.'”

Voters want a strong economy, not new energy taxes!

Just the News (1/19/24) reports:  "While climate change gets a lot of attention from media and politicians, voters rank it fairly low on their concerns, according to a new survey.  The American Energy Alliance (AEA) and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity sponsored a survey of 1,600 likely voters equally divided among eight “battleground states” of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Missouri, and Ohio...  According to the survey results, of those surveyed, only 3% say that climate change is the most pressing issue facing the United States right now, and less than 3% of Republicans polled said climate change is the most pressing issue.  The top issue for 39% of voters, including Republicans, is the economy and inflation, according to the survey. Of those polled, 49% of Republicans consider it to be the most pressing issue the country faces.  The survey also asked respondents how much they’d personally be willing to spend annually to address global warming. For all those surveyed, the median amount was $10, and the average was $371."

It's Friday afternoon, which means it's time for another press release from the autos announcing EV production cuts.

Yahoo Finance (1/19/24) reports:  "Ford revealed on Friday morning that it will transition 1,400 workers off F-150 Lightning production at its Rouge electric vehicle production center as EV truck demand continues to wane. At the same time, the company will boost production of its gas-powered Bronco SUV and Ranger midsize pickups as customers flock to those options.  Ford said in a statement that those 1,400 workers will be impacted as the Rouge EV center transitions to one shift starting on April 1. Around 700 workers will transfer to the Michigan Assembly truck plant in Wayne, Mich., with others placed in roles at Rouge or other facilities in Southeast Michigan. Ford said some will take buyouts through a retirement incentive program that workers agreed to in the automaker's new 2023 UAW contract."

If you oppose a carbon tax, take a stand and contact us.

Tom Pyle, American Energy Alliance
Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Phil Kerpen, American Commitment
Andrew Quinlan, Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform
George Landrith, Frontiers of Freedom
Thomas Schatz, Citizens Against Government Waste
Richard Manning, Americans for Limited Government
Adam Brandon, FreedomWorks
Craig Richardson, E&E Legal
Benjamin Zycher, American Enterprise Institute
Jason Hayes, Mackinac Center
David Williams, Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Paul Gessing, Rio Grande Foundation
Seton Motley, Less Government
Annette Meeks, Freedom Foundation of Minnesota
Isaac Orr, Center of the American Experiment
David T. Stevenson, Caesar Rodney Institute
John Droz, Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions
Jim Karahalios, Axe the Carbon Tax
Mark Mathis, Clear Energy Alliance
Jack Ekstrom, PolicyWorks America
Jon Sanders, John Locke Foundation

Energy Markets

WTI Crude Oil: ↓ $73.60
Natural Gas: ↓ $2.54
Gasoline: ↓ $3.09
Diesel: ↓ $3.92
Heating Oil: ↓ $267.63
Brent Crude Oil: ↓ $78.70
US Rig Count: ↑ 652


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