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Primary Goals

If you're like many other Hoosiers and Americans, I'm sure you've had a very unique week. As we all face the global coronavirus pandemic, together we've had to face new challenges -- whether that's an unexpected slow down at work, adapting to new social distancing guidelines, helping your kids with e-learning or so much more. 

Through it all, though, we all share one primary goal -- protecting our most vulnerable Hoosiers from this virus. 

And that's where Indiana's primary election comes in. With county employees, poll workers and voters in close proximity, we knew that holding the election as planned on May 5 could put our fellow Hoosiers at risk.

That's why today, I was proud to join Governor Eric Holcomb as he announced that he was taking executive action to move Indiana's primary election to June 2.

I'm proud to share that this is a bipartisan decision, as Governor Holcomb worked with Secretary of State Connie Lawson, the chairman of the Indiana Democrat Party and me to come to this solution that balances citizens' right to vote with Hoosiers' health and well-being.

So while we all go through this challenging time, we'll have an extra month until Primary Day. And with that, I look forward to witnessing a new age of creative virtual campaigning that'll be coming our way soon. 

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Chairman Kyle Hupfer answers questions earlier today at the Statehouse during a press conference with Governor Holcomb announcing that Indiana's Primary Election will be pushed back to June 2.

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Keeping Hoosiers Safe: Coronavirus

Governor Eric Holcomb is continuing to take unprecedented actions to protect Hoosiers from the coronavirus, extend relief to Hoosier businesses and individuals, and provide stabilization for the future. 

Check out some of the steps Governor Holcomb is taking below:

  • All of Indiana’s K-12 public schools will remain closed through May 1, and non-public schools are also ordered closed. This date could be extended if the circumstances warrant.
  • The U.S. Small Business Administration has issued an Economic Injury Disaster Loan declaration, per Governor Holcomb's request, which would provide targeted, low-interest loans to Indiana small businesses to help them overcome temporary revenue loss.
  • He announced a new partnership with Indiana-based Eli Lilly and Company to expand COVID-19 texting so that more Hoosiers can receive a timely diagnosis.
  • Indiana is adhearing to the CDC's guidance on mass gathering. 
  • Bars, nightclubs and restaurants are required to close to in-person patrons and may provide take-out and delivery services through the end of March.
  • The deadline to file and pay your state income taxes will be extended from April 15 to July 15 to align with new federal dates.
  • The state will interpret Indiana’s unemployment laws to the broadest extent possible to cover Hoosiers who are out of work because of COVID-19. Claims for unemployment can be made completely online. 
  • No residential eviction proceedings or foreclosure actions may be initiated during the public health emergency. This does not relieve the individual of obligations to pay rent or mortgage payments.
  • Participants in the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and the Children’s Health Insurance Program are not required to make premium payments.
  • The commissioner of the Department of Insurance will request that insurers institute a 60-day moratorium on policy cancellations for non-payment of premiums. This does not suspend a policyholder’s obligation to make payments.
  • Mental health professionals are permitted to practice via telemedicine.
To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make you're following Governor Holcomb on Facebook and Twitter!

And to fight the spread of the coronavirus and protect yourself, remember to wash your hands frequently and to continue to practice social distancing. In order to flatten the curve and protect vulnerable Hoosiers, it's going to take a team effort. We're all in this together! 
Working Together to Flatten the Curve

It's important to remember in a time like this, that we will not be living like this forever. This is temporary, but the quicker we work together to flatten the curve, the quicker life will go back to normal. This is not a one-person job. It's crucial we all come together in this difficult time and practice the steps below. 
  • Social distancing is a necessity right now. The sooner we all come together by staying apart, the slower this virus moves -- which means fewer infected people, a slower spread and less pressure on our hospitals. 
  • Hand washing is important to help prevent the spread of germs. Practice washing your hands often with soap and water, and for 20 seconds at a time. Here's a good reminder if you need some tips on how to wash your hands, Hoosier-style.
  • Wash/sanitize surfaces as often as possible. Disinfecting also helps to stop the spread of germs.
  • Look out for each other now more than ever! While you're at home, call and check on your friends, families, and neighbors. We're all forced to be away from some of our family right now, so let's all look out for one another.
  • Consider donating blood with the Red Cross. Many blood drives have been canceled and the Red Cross is in desperate need amid the COVID-19 pandemic. First Lady Janet Holcomb donated blood and you can, too (watch video!)! Click here for more information regarding location and schedule. 

Join Us at the 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention

The 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention is still on! Even with the new Primary Day of June 2, we still plan to hold our State Convention on June 19-20. For updates, follow us on social media or check your inbox every Friday.

While you’re socially distancing, now is a great time to plan ahead for your convention plans in June:

  • Hotel Room Block: The room block for two downtown hotels is now open! If you plan to stay overnight in Indianapolis, reserve your room now! More info is available here.
  • Convention Schedule: Check out the official schedule of events for the two-day convention here.
  • Delegate Fees: If you're in a non-contested race for a delegate spot to this year's convention or if your county chair appoints you to an open delegate spot, you can now pay your delegate fees here.

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb signs order to keep schools closed until May 1 due to COVID-19
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch discusses coronavirus guidelines
Senator Todd Young explains coronavirus aid package
Senator Mike Braun backs coronavirus relief bill
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski praises the government's response to COVID-19
Congressman Jim Baird promotes STEM education opportunities while kids are home
Congressman Jim Banks donates blood and shares thoughts on COVID-19
Congresswoman Susan Brooks thanks State Dept. for work bringing home Americans
Congressman Greg Pence discusses Congress' safety tips for coronavirus 
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth discusses coronavirus resources

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