News from Representative Allred


Dear John,

Women should make decisions about their health care — not politicians. Unfortunately this week, extreme Republicans continued to try to further restrict women’s freedoms. It’s why I am dedicated to shining a light on the devastating reality of Texas’ abortion ban. This week, I joined my Texas colleagues to meet with Dr. Austin Dennard, a North Texas OB-GYN and mom who had to travel out of state to receive abortion care after learning she was carrying a fetus with anencephaly, a fatal condition in which the skull and brain do not fully develop.

Rep. Colin Allred meets with Dr. Austin Dennard and members of the Texas delegation to shine a light on Texas’ harmful abortion ban.

I am thankful to Dr. Dennard for sharing her story with us despite the pain of reliving the experience. Letting courts and politicians make medical decisions is having a harmful impact on Texas women, and no one should have to travel out of state to receive the health care they need. 

I am so grateful that my wife had two healthy pregnancies; I couldn’t imagine what Dr. Dennard and her family went through. I know that there are countless women with stories like Dr. Dennard but who are not in a position to travel out of state to receive medical care. It’s sickening and unacceptable to deprive women of the right to make decisions about their own bodies.

Rep. Colin Allred and Dr. Austin Dennard’s third child.

I will keep fighting to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify Roe v. Wade into federal law, as well as the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act which would codify the constitutional right to interstate travel to receive health care. I will not stop working until we restore Texas women’s freedoms. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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