Did he forget he’s a Democrat??

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

Did you see the news about my opponent?? It’s straight-up damning.

NY Daily News Headline

I refuse to let anyone who associates with the hateful, divisive, racist MAGA movement even claim to represent this district. Chip in to help me make sure my opponent never gets the chance.


Get this: The MAGA donor hosting my opponent’s fundraiser has given *$15,000* to Trump. He’s donated to MAGA Republicans in the House. And now he’s charging his friends up to *$6,600* to have brunch with my opponent.

Are you kidding me?? My opponent claims to be a Democrat. But look at the company he’s keeping: 1) a right-wing super PAC funded by the same megadonors supporting Trump, DeSantis, and Ted Cruz; and 2) this rich MAGA donor.

Maybe my opponent has forgotten he’s running in a DEMOCRATIC primary. But I think it’s more likely he’s just willing to do anything to try and win – even turn his back on the fundamental values of our district. Chip in to help me stop this nonsense.


Rich MAGA donors should have no role in a Democratic primary, and every Democrat should agree with that. Period.

Peace and love,
