Trump has worked tirelessly to undermine the Affordable Care Act and supported measures that increase costs

President Trump’s comments this week about health care are an attempt to rewrite history. From the beginning of his term, Trump has worked tirelessly to undermine the Affordable Care Act and supported measures that increase costs and obliterate protections for our friends and family with pre-existing conditions.

And, of course, Mitch McConnell has marched in lockstep in this attack on our health care system. With 133 million Americans at risk, the lives of so many will be deeply impacted if we don’t take back the Senate in 2020.

This is an all hands on deck situation. That’s why I’m reaching out to ask you personally to donate before our FEC filing deadline on Sunday at midnight.

Our numbers will be reported publicly, and Republicans are watching closely. Will you chip in now to take back the Senate in 2020?

We were able to save the ACA only because people like you spoke out all across the country and put tremendous grassroots pressure on Congress.

That’s why it’s so important that we stay vigilant and lay the foundations to take back the Senate and protect our health care system from further attack.

Use this secure link to donate now before Sunday’s midnight deadline:

Thank you for all that you do,
