yet Republicans continue to fight planet-saving climate measures to please the fossil fuel industry

Whitehouse for Senate

The planet made history in 2023, team, but not in a good way.

Last year was the planet’s hottest year on record. The earth's warmest year since humans started recording temperatures.

This comes as no surprise to climate scientists who have been sounding the alarm about emissions-driven climate change for decades. But now the question is: Is global warming accelerating even faster than we thought?

Scientists are searching for answers to that question. But without more Democratic leaders in Washington, we won’t be able to do much in the way of solutions. Not with the GOP in charge of the House. The Republican Party is hell-bent on squashing planet-saving climate measures in order to appease the fossil fuel industry and the Big Oil bankrollers that prop up the GOP.

If Republicans continue this obstruction and the planet passes the point of no return, we won’t just see the environmental fallout of more intense, frequent wildfires and dying crops. We’ll also see economic repercussions – crashing coastal property values and an insurance industry collapse that will push owning a home out of reach for many middle-class families.

I’ve gone toe-to-toe with the fossil fuel denial machine before and in 2024, I plan to keep it up. Will you chip in today to support my re-election campaign so I can continue the fight in Congress to protect our planet and our economic future?

We have a responsibility to leave our children and grandchildren a safe planet, and we still have a window of time to get it done.

Thank you,

Sheldon Whitehouse





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