
July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth.

Heat waves swept across Europe, breaking records in at least a dozen countries. Even Alaska saw its hottest month ever—creating wildfires and triggering mass melting of Greenland's ice sheet.

The rapid rise of temperatures in the last few years is scary, and it’s only going to get worse. That’s why, as president, one of Seth’s top priorities will be doing whatever it takes to reverse the catastrophic trend of climate change.

Will you contribute to our campaign to help Seth take action on climate change? We need resources to get his message and his plan out across the country.

John, tackling the climate crisis boils down to three things: decarbonization, carbon capture, and global leadership. America only accounts for 15% of global emissions, so if we hope to not only save the world but remain the leaders of it, we need to make climate change a top priority in all investment, foreign policy, and national security decisions. And we must do it now before it’s too late.

Seth would also implement a Federal Green Corps, a climate change national service program, and call all 33 million young Americans to serve the country and help us combat this threat. The Corps would insulate our homes to keep the bills down, reinforce our levees to stop flooding, protect us from forest fires, and help us fight climate change across the country. And Seth would reward anyone who serves with either free college or student loan forgiveness, because if you invest in America, he believes we should invest in you.

The bottom line is this: we can solve climate change, we just need the political courage and leadership to do it. And that starts in 2020.

Help us get Seth’s message out. Help us get Seth’s comprehensive plan out. Chip in whatever you can today.

Thank you,

Team Moulton