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Dear Reader,

We’ve got great news: Generous readers like you stepped up to support our public-service journalism. We’re delighted to share that we exceeded our $50,000 NewsMatch campaign goal and raised $59,451 BEFORE MATCHES in advance of the Dec. 31 deadline!

Contributions from our readers unlocked $55,000 in generous matching funds from the Wyncote Foundation, the Loud Hound Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation and our local match pool supporters. We also unlocked an additional $4,000 in bonuses, including a $1,000 bonus for reaching the “100 new donors” goal. All told, we will receive an incredible $118,451 from this campaign! 

We’re putting these dollars to work immediately by continuing our coverage of important issues in our region, like how a new county executive will affect education, health, housing and other matters; the continuing interactions of energy, industry and environment in our region, and many more stories. 

Every day, our team works to increase transparency, inform the public and hold leaders accountable through our journalism. This reporting is challenging and resource-intensive but essential work, and we’re grateful for the readers whose contributions make it possible.

The financial support of our members throughout the year allows us to focus on what we do best — produce journalism that matters and that makes an impact on our local community. 

On behalf of our whole team, our deepest thanks.
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