"For myself, I want no advantage over my fellow man, and if he is weaker than I, all the more is it my duty to help him."
 Eugene V. Debs


Hoping all of you are safe and well this afternoon.

We're proud to announce that our COVID Mutual Aid program is now officially underway!!

We're working to get Chattanoogans connected to the COVID resources they need in our area. Many local businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies have stepped in to fill the gap, and we want to be a centralized information source in this difficult time. We're also personally grocery shopping for those who can't leave their house!

If you need help or know someone that does, fill out this form here.

If you want to help others get connected to community COVID resources or personally grocery shop for the vulnerable, fill out this form here.

Yes, you can share this on social media! (Thanks for your patience!)

We have a Facebook post here that you can share, a Tweet you can retweet here, and an Instagram post here.

As always, we'll also be pressuring elected officials to do their job in the face of the most serious crisis America has seen in decades. The response so far has been laughably disorganized, but if we step into the breach and put pressure on capital with the demands of millions of ordinary people, we can win the future for socialism. The time is NOW.

Sign up here to join our Slack team and be part of the solution!

Please stay safe, keep practicing social distancing, and remember that we will get through this. Another message from Debs is a fitting motto for our moment:

"When we are in partnership and have stopped clutching each other's throats, when we have stopped enslaving each other, we will stand together, hands clasped, and be friends. We will be comrades, we will be brothers, and we will begin the march to the grandest civilization the human race has ever known." 


Katie Keel
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