DC Poor People's Campaign Upcoming Events. Join us!

Dear John,


Join us on Saturday, January 27th at 10:30 am at our monthly meeting. We'll meet in person for a Teach-in to Get Ready for the DC Mass Poor and Low Income People’s Assembly. Sign up here.


Join us to kick off a season of direct action across the country. On January 27th, we're holding a teach-in to prepare the demands we’ll present to DC elected officials on March 2. Learn about the critical issues facing poor and low-income people in DC and about how to take action to change the narrative and the policies that keep people in poverty and build lasting power among poor and low-income people.


Please join us in January to kick off a season of direct action including moral assemblies at state capitols across the country, imploring our elected leaders to support an agenda that tackles poverty and other systemic injustices because there are policy solutions to all of these problems. The Third Reconstruction we are building towards is a revival of our constitutional commitment to establish justice, provide for the general welfare, end decades of austerity, and recognize that policies that center the 140 million poor and low-income people in the country are also good economic policies that can heal and transform the nation.


Hold the date for the DC Mass Poor and Low Income People’s Assembly on Saturday, March 2 Sign up now to let us know you're coming and for updates.


Forward Together, Not One Step Back!


DC Poor People's Campaign Tri-chairs

[email protected]