Our opponent, on the other hand…

Hey John,

Just bumping our message from earlier this week – time keeps flying by!

Dozens of supporters stepped up on Tuesday, and now we’re counting on you to join us and help end the week strong. We’re asking you because we AREN’T asking millionaires or corporate PACs.

More on that below, but we have to ask: Will you chip in today?


– Team Bowman

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Team Bowman
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Subject: Can you believe we’re already halfway through January? 😳
Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

Can you believe we’re already halfway through January? 😳

The year is flying by – and Jamaal’s election is just over five months away.

We need to make every day count. Will you chip in today to keep us in a strong position against Jamaal’s AIPAC-backed opponent?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Here’s what we AREN’T going to do over the next five months:

  • Hit up a Republican-funded super PAC for a few million
  • Solicit right-wing megadonors and sell out
  • Spread hate and undermine the movement for peace

We wish we could say the same about AIPAC and our opponent. 🤔

Instead, we’re going to build a winning, people-powered campaign day by day. So don’t wait: Chip in today.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Team Bowman