We The Action Volunteer,

Good morning, and welcome to our weekly digest of current volunteer legal projects.

We have over 90 legal projects that need your help. Are you interested in maximizing your experience with We The Action to meet your pro bono needs? Sign up for tomorrow’s Website Demo/Q&A!


Online Description of Tax Exempt Status

Justice Technology Association

JTA is working to bring together like-minded tech entrepreneurs in pursuit of equity in the justice system. They are registered with both 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(6) status, and want to make sure that their website language accurately and legally represents the distinctions between those statuses.  Technology and Telecoms/Corporate expertise are required, and lawyers may be barred in any state.

6—10 HOURS

Pro Se Plus Asylum Seeker Relief

New York Immigration Coalition

Over the past year and a half nearly 150,000 people have arrived in New York State after traveling through the southern border. Many are seeking asylum. Lawyers are needed to assist asylum seekers who were bused to upstate New York as they complete their I-589 asylum application for a pro se filing. Legal and logistical training will be provided. Arabic, French, Haitian Creole, or Spanish preferred, and lawyers may be barred in any state.


Update State Legislative Landscape for Sexual Assualt Survivors' Bill of Rights

Rise Up, Inc.

Rise uses model legislation to form the framework for each iteration of the Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights in states across the country. The org needs lawyers to provide a legislative landscape, comparing their model bill to current state code. Civil rights and human rights expertise are required. Training and supervision is provided, and lawyers may be barred in any state.

6—10 HOURS

Registration of NPO in all 50 states

FamilieSCN2A Foundation

This organization represents a small rare disease community and they are reliant on grassroots fundraising. They are hoping to expand to all 50 states, and need help to register the NPO in new states. Lawyers may be barred in any state.


Provide Guidance for New Rare Disease Organization Partnership

Tatton Brown Rahman Syndrome Community

This rare disease patient organization has created the Overgrowth Syndromes Alliance (OSA) to create a patient-centered research agenda and to find treatments. They need guidance on how to structure this new alliance, including advice on whether to form a new NPO share the project between two separate NPOs. Lawyers may be barred in any state.

We hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.

The We The Action Team

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