Right now while most of us are staying at home and social distancing, many people are stuck without work and millions of children are unable to go to school. Service industry workers are going without paychecks, and families are struggling to find and afford basic necessities like toilet paper and soap. And immigrant families or mixed-status families still have to worry about ICE raids.
That’s right: ICE is raiding homes and separating families as we speak during this national emergency.
We at VL believe ICE should be abolished full-stop, but it’s additionally cruel that they’re terrorizing families during a global pandemic.
While the administration announced that they will not conduct raids around medical facilities, only the complete suspension of all indiscriminate enforcement will fully protect the public health and safety of all.
It’s on us to put pressure on the Trump administration to put an end to ICE raids right now. If you’re with us, add your name to our petition calling for an end to ICE raids during the coronavirus crisis >>
ICE only makes our communities fearful and less safe, which is all the more harmful during a public health and economic crisis such as this one.
Not only are these raids traumatizing and harmful to families and communities, but they result in immigrants being further potentially exposed to the virus by being placed in crowded detention centers and courtrooms.
We stand by our undocumented brothers and sisters during this challenging time and demand this administration stop their anti-immigrant agenda: add your name to join us.
While we ultimately aim to abolish ICE in its entirety, at the very least we must urge our government to immediately pause their terrorizing tactics against immigrant communities.
Stay informed, mis compañeros,
Norberto Briceño
Social Media Director, Voto Latino