A Note on COVID-19

COVID-19 has gripped the world with uncertainty and our own lives feel unrecognizable at the moment. We are in awe of our healthcare workers and first-responders and our heart goes out to those affected every day. 

Though our collective rhythm shifts, the political fight must march forward. The effort to elect Democrats up and down the ballot -- who will restore rational, competent governance -- has never felt more urgent. Leadership is sorely needed. To exercise new leadership, Democrats must continue to share a vision for the future. Continue to reach out to voters. Continue to raise money. Continue to campaign. 

The tactics we use must shift significantly. In a moment of mandatory social distancing, isolation, and shelter-in-place command, technology is even more critical for campaigns. We are in the midst of a radical natural experiment to prove our long-held thesis that technology can enable offline organizing techniques online. We have no choice but to rely on distributed action and digital communication. While this shift will feel disruptive and uncomfortable, it is crucial for a positive outcome in November.

Political Tech Is More Critical Than Ever

Traditional approaches to organizing and campaigning are being thrown out the window. Campaign staff are shifting everything about their daily lives and must find new channels to realize their ‘north-star’ goals. Members of our portfolio have leveraged their expertise to provide resources that help partners navigate this moment.

We hope these resources are helpful. Stay safe and healthy - and let us know if there is anything we can do to help. 
Tuesday Company launched a website and guide, Organizing While Corona, to ensure campaign strategists and advocacy professionals can sustain their momentum and engage supporters during this public health crisis.
Countable created the Coronavirus Public Health Center, where it regularly publishes "just the facts" news, updates, and actions to help communities stay safe.
Mobilize will provide free access to its core platform for use on any COVID-19 relief volunteer mobilization efforts through May 31.

Their volunteer management platform was featured in this WSJ article on virtual campaigning.
Survey160 conducted an SMS-based poll to understand the effects of partisanship on the perception of Covid-19

Politico Pulse reported on their work.
New/Mode compiled a round-up of all COVID-19-related campaigns.

Their work makes it easier for people to mobilize and act on the urgent needs arising from this global crisis.
PS: We know many former primary campaign staff are job searching in an uncertain time. If you are job searching, be sure to add your resume to the progressive tech jobs matchmaking program.
Progressive Jobs Board
Also, coming off a primary and want to put your best foot forward? Join our resume workshop webinar next Thursday, March 26!
Resume Webinar RSVP
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