Warren Davidson Endorses Stoltzfus in Ohio 6th!

Byron Donalds Endorses JR Majewski in Ohio 9th!

Click the Image for More Candidate Info!

Poll Shows 31% of Republican Primary Voters Don't Know that President Trump Endorsed Bernie Moreno for US Senate in December!


How Does YOUR Ohio House or Ohio Senator vote?

How Conservative are their Votes?

Would you Agree with their Votes?

Click HERE to FIND OUT - BEFORE YOU VOTE on March 19th


Heidi Workman - Ohio 72nd House District:

Website Link: www.heidiworkman.com

Donation Link: https://secure.winred.com/workman-for-the-people/donate-today

Facebook Link: facebook.com/WorkmanforOH

Twitter Link: twitter.com/WorkmanforOhio

Instagram Link: instagram.com/WorkmanforOhio

Jodi Salvo - Ohio 51st House District:

Website Link: https://jodisalvoforstaterep.com/

Donation Link: https://secure.winred.com/friends-of-jodi-salvo/donate

Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/salvoforohio 

Checks can be mailed to: Friends of Jodi Salvo, P.O. Boc 636, Zoar, OH 44697

George Brunemann - Ohio 29th House District:

Website Link: https://FriendsOfLiberty.US

Donation Link: https://friendsofliberty.us/make-a-donation

Email: [email protected]

Mike Tussey - Ohio 73rd House District

Website Link: www.TusseyForStateRepresentative.com

Checks can be Mailed to: Citizens for Tussey, P.O. Box 1, Baltimore, Ohio 43105

Nelson Roe - Ohio 95th House District

Facebook Link: www.facebook.com/FriendsofNelsonRoe

Checks can be Mails to: Friends of Nelson Roe, 50958 Wargo Rd, Cumberland, Ohio 43732

Steve Kraus - Ohio 89th House District

Donate Link: https://secure.anedot.com/friends-of-kraus/donate

Dillon Blevins - Ohio 62nd House District

Link to donate: https://secure.winred.com/committee-to-elect-dillon-blevins/donate

Website: blevinsgop.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blevinsforstaterep

David Thomas - Ohio 65th House District

Website Link: www.davidthomasforohio.com

Donation link is: https://secure.winred.com/friends-of-david-thomas/donate

Facebook Link is: www.facebook.com/friendsofdavidthomas

Sally Culling - Ohio 75th House District

Website: www.SallyforOhio.com

Donation Link: https://secure.anedot.com/sally-culling-for-ohio/donate 

See the List Below of ALL 17 House Candidates Endorsed by the Ohio Citizens PAC!

If a candidate for Ohio House would like to be endorsed by the Ohio Citizen PAC write to:

[email protected] for Consideration


March 19th is When We Fire Them!

One year ago Today (1/5/23) the Voters of Ohio were betrayed by 22 Ohio House Members who broke their pledge to their fellow Republicans and joined with 33 Democrats to give control of the Ohio House to the Democrat Minority! Why did they do it? For money and power. Every one of the Blue 22 listed in the table below got Democrat Union money then and are getting Democrat Union money NOW to run for Re-Election. Most of them also got Chairmanships of House Committees which pays them more in salaries and gave them the power to decide what bills get out of their committees.

Because of their Betrayal, the conservative policies that those 22 Republican Traitors ran on in 2022 and that WE VOTED FOR - like medical freedom; ending Critical Race Theory indoctrination in our K-12 schools; getting the racist "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" ideology out of Ohio Colleges; giving Ohio parents school choice with the backpack bill; stopping Democrats from voting in Republican Primaries, and more did not pass in the Ohio House last year. If the minority Democrats were against it, it didn't get a vote because the RINO House Speaker Jason Stephens is dependent on Democrat votes to keep his position! The Democrat minority is in control of the "Republican" majority Ohio House because of the Betrayal of the Blue 22!

In our coverage of this traitorous act a year ago, which you can read below, we made it clear that this type of betrayal of YOUR TRUST can NOT be allowed to stand! We called for YOU to help recruit Patriots to run against the Blue 22 so that we could vote them out of office this March 19, 2024 in the Republican Primary! Well as you can see below, we have 17 Patriots who have stepped up to run against most of the Blue 22!

With this email, the We the People Convention and our Ohio Citizens PAC hereby ENDORSE ALL 17 of these Patriots to be YOUR New Representatives in the Ohio House next year!

We ask all Ohio Patriots to look at this list to see if you have someone running in your House District. If so, we ask that you seek out our WTPC Endorsed candidate to donate to their campaign and volunteer to help get them elected. We also ask that you share this email with everyone you know in the state so that they can see that We the People are taking action to replace those who so callously stole our votes and gave them to the Democrats last year! On March 19th of this year - ALL 17 of our candidates must win the Primary and avenge our stolen votes! That only happens if YOU donate to them, you work for their campaign, you ask others to vote for them, and YOU VOTE FOR THEM!

Click to Donate to the Ohio Citizens PAC to Help Elect these Candidates!

As an Ohio Non-Profit Corporation, the We the People Convention has the legal authority to endorse candidates in State and Federal elections based on the Citizens United case which was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States on January 21, 2010. The Ohio Citizens PAC is an official Ohio State PAC registered with the Ohio Secretary of State.

My Fellow Ohio Patriots, I am writing today (1/5/23), to inform you of the betrayal this week by 22 "TRAITOR RINOS" whom we elected state wide just two months ago and to ask for your help in removing them from office.This Tuesday, their was a Coup conducted by the RINO Republicans in the Ohio House, as we had warned you on Monday, to take our votes for a 67 Seat Ohio House REPUBLICAN SUPER MAJORITY and turn our Ohio House of Representatives over to the Democrats. 

All of the 67 Ohio House "Republicans" that we elected in November voted to elect Conservative Derek Merrin to be the New House Speaker in a Republican Caucus Meeting right after the November election. EVERY Republican at that meeting gave their commitment to vote for Conservative Derek Merrin when the new house convened in January.

Then on Tuesday (1/5/23), a John Kasich orchestrated and Democrat Union financed Coup was conducted where 22 of the 67 Republicans broke their word and voted with 32 Democrats to elect not Conservative Derek Merrin but RINO Jason Stephen as Speaker!

That’s Right. The minority 33 Democrats out of 99 House member NOW, thanks to these Republican RINO Traitors, are now the MAJORITY of the Majority in control of the Ohio House! None of the conservative policies that those 22 Republican Traitors ran on, like medical freedom, ending CRT indoctrination in our schools, limiting abortion in Ohio, new gun laws, the backpack bill, and more are now NOT going to pass this Ohio House because the RINO Speaker is dependent on Democrat Votes to keep his position.

Here is a list of the 22 RINO TRAITORS with their House Districts:

This type of betrayal cannot just be accepted by those of us who's votes were just thrown away. We must, and we will, take action to replace all 22 of these Republican in Name Only RINO’s in the Primary election that is just a year away.

I am calling on Ohio Conservatives to do two things:

First, if you donated to, volunteered for, or voted for any of these RINO TRAITORS call or write to them and tell them that you are disappointed that they broke their promise to vote for the Conservative Derek Merrin and voted with the Democrats! Then tell them that you will not vote for them, donate to them, or work for them in the Republican Primary next year!

Second, I am asking for your help to recruit a candidate to run for Ohio House against the RINO TRAITOR in your House District primary next year. Anyone who lives in the District (Click to See House District Map) who is serious about running against them, with our support, in the primary should contact your County Republican Party Chairman immediately and also send us an email with your contact information and the District you want to run in to [email protected].

It is long past time that we made sure that phony "Republicans" paid a price for lying to the voters and representing their own interests instead of enacting the conservative governance they promised. I am sure that they will take lots of Democrat and RINO money to try and keep their positions next year. The time and place to defeat them is in the March 19, 2024 Primary and I would hope the you will help us do that!

For Liberty,

Tom Zawistowski


We the People Convention

p.s. - Did you ever wonder why no one else ever tells you about these important things going on in Ohio that so dramatically affect you and our state??? Thank the members of the We the People Convention whose donations pay for these emails and text messages and our other efforts to keep you informed!

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