Moments ago, a wealthy, well-connected Republican announced her campaign to defeat Martin in New Mexico’s U.S. Senate race.

Hi john, this is Tina. My friend and colleague, Senator Martin Heinrich from New Mexico, has some breaking news in his Senate race, and his campaign asked to reach out to this team.

john — Moments ago, a Republican multi-millionaire announced her campaign to defeat Martin in New Mexico’s U.S. Senate race.

Martin’s new challenger is a longtime hedge fund executive who has already poured half a million dollars into her own campaign. As the daughter of New Mexico’s last Republican Senator, she is all but certain to have GOP mega-donors lining up to support her bid. She already has the full backing of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

While Martin’s opponent may have a personal fortune and the GOP establishment behind her, what we have is far more valuable: a grassroots movement that comes together to fight for our shared values time and time again.

That’s why we’re reaching out today: We need to raise as much as possible in these first 48 hours to prepare for the spending Republicans are about to pour into New Mexico. Will you rush in a split contribution of $10 or any amount between our campaign and Tina Smith to help keep Martin in the Senate?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Tina Smith and Martin Heinrich will go through immediately:

We can’t afford to lose Martin’s voice in the Senate. The issues that matter most to our movement are at stake, from preserving our public lands and waters to protecting critical benefits like Medicare and Social Security.

But this race is officially competitive, and we need to build up our grassroots resources immediately to win. Between Martin’s new opponent jumping in and Donald Trump planning to ramp up his campaign in New Mexico, it’s clear Republicans are making the Land of Enchantment a top target this year.

We have our work cut out for us in the months ahead. Please help us defend Martin’s seat in New Mexico from his new challenger by splitting a grassroots contribution of $10 or any amount now between our campaign and Tina Smith >>

Thank you for helping keep Martin where he belongs — in the U.S. Senate fighting for a brighter future for New Mexico.

— Heinrich HQ