Dear American Democracy Defender:

In 2024 we will each face a binary choice between democracy and autocracy.

In response to statements made by the leading GOP Presidential candidate and his endorsers, The Lincoln Project created this ad, which is gaining national attention:

God Made a Dictator

We know that absolute power corrupts absolutely.  That’s why our founders created a unique form of government with checks and balances and gave the citizens a VOICE — A VOTE! That’s our American Democracy.  

Help us preserve it and give pro-democracy voters their voice by doing 2 simple things.

  • Forward this email/ad to 5 friends or family members who just can’t seem to stop supporting Trump or who are wavering about Biden. If you don’t have 5, send it to 5 friends or family members who get it, but might have others in their circle who don’t.

  • Take a spin in our Action Center @ and sign up to actively remind and urge pro-democracy citizens to register and vote. Don’t forget the stakes if we become an authoritarian state.

The only way to defeat a Dictator is to exercise the privilege we have to vote — while we still have an American Democracy.  🇺🇲

We are all in this together,

The Union