Breaking: Gov. Holcomb Announces Primary Moved to June 2
Today, Governor Eric Holcomb announced big news: Due to COVID-19 concerns, the primary election will be moved from May 5 to June 2, 2020.

Keeping Hoosiers safe is a top priority for Governor Holcomb, and by delaying our primary, we'll properly balance the safety of county employees, poll workers, and voters with Hoosiers' right to elect their citizens in a free and open election.


This wasn't a step taken lightly -- and it's all centered around making sure Hoosiers can still exercise their right to vote during this coronavirus pandemic. It was a joint decision made by Governor Holcomb, Secretary of State Connie Lawson, Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer and the Indiana Democrats. 

A few additional fast facts about the Primary Day change:
  • Any registered voter will be able to vote via an absentee mail-in ballot. 
  • The window for requesting an absentee ballot will remain open through 12 day out from the new primary election date.
  • Medical professionals will be eligible members of traveling boards to allow nursing home and hospital patients to vote.
  • Family members will be allowed to deliver absentee ballots.
We know these are difficult times for our fellow Hoosiers across the state, and we thank you for your work -- both in big ways, and in small ways. Together, we'll look out for each other and get through this marathon. 
Watch Now: Gov. Holcomb Announces Primary Changes
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