Hi John

We are living in unprecedented times, and we hope you, your family, and all of your loved ones are well and taking the necessary precautions during this public health crisis. Stay safe and keep up with the latest updates through the Centers for Disease Control here
Like many Americans, we are working from home and following the shifting social, economic, and political dynamics of the COVID-19 crisis. We’d like to share some of that news with you this week, as well as the news you may have missed. 

Responding to the Crisis

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and potential economic fallout, lawmakers have quickly passed two phases of economic stimulus packages in the last two weeks. Members of Congress are preparing a third package now, which may support Americans who have lost their jobs due to the shuttering of businesses. 
We’re drawing our internal expertise to sort out what these moves will mean for the US economy going forward. Dr. Ellen Hughes-Cromwick, our Senior Resident Fellow for Clean Energy Economy, has kicked off a new blog series to weigh in on the federal coronavirus response and provide guidance about what to watch next. Hughes-Cromwick is the former Obama Commerce Department Chief Economist and the former Chief Global Economist at Ford Motor Company. 
“The message Congress and the Administration have to issue is: Don’t put people out of work, and we are coming to help you make payroll during this time when your customers are sheltering in place,” writes Ellen. 
We are also regularly updating our entire site with COVID and economic crisis-related information. Please bookmark it and stay up-to-date with our latest.
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Under the Radar: News in Advanced Nuclear

Some good news this week for climate: Oklo Inc. submitted the first-ever advanced fission combined license application for the Aurora reactor to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Oklo is a Silicon Valley-based company developing a compact fast reactor, one that could help keep remote communities warm or provide heat in industrial applications. 
This is a huge deal, which couldn’t have been done without the NRC, who has worked tirelessly to modernize the agency’s processes for the next generation of reactors. As Third Way’s Jackie Kempfer and Jackie Toth recently
wrote, Oklo's announcement “is just the beginning of what may become a steady stream of next-gen designs knocking on NRC’s door. 
Want to learn more about the more than 70 advanced nuclear projects underway in North America? Check out our interactive map

As always, let’s keep the conversation going. Stay safe!

Jared DeWese
Senior Communications Advisor | Third Way
202.384.1737 :: @jareddewese 

T.J. Osborne
Climate and Energy Press Coordinator | Third Way
202.775.5163 ::

Jackie Toth
Advisor for Policy and Content, Climate and Energy | Third Way
202.775.5167 ::

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