Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress


We just reviewed our fundraising numbers after our mid-month fundraising deadline, and we missed our mid-month goal by just 53 contributions.

We’re not going to claim that this is the end of the world, but with the GOP raising record-breaking amounts of money, Nikki could be vulnerable to attacks from her two Republican opponents as they target her seat and work to flip this district red.

This grassroots team has always shown up when we’ve needed you the most.

It’s how we were able to help Nikki win this seat and flip her district from red to blue for the first time in decades, and it’s how we’re going to protect her seat and flip the House in November.

So with your help, we can turn this around and get back on track toward reaching our January fundraising goals.

Before midnight tonight, can we count on you to rush in a $10 contribution right now to help us make up ground?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for everything you do.

— Team Nikki