Hi John,

This is Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved to read. Growing up, a book was an escape from the confines of reality, and a source of endless inspiration. It truly shaped who I was and who I’d become.

Little did I know as a kid, I’d later be elected as Illinois Secretary of State - and in that role, the state’s chief librarian.

Listen, our kids deserve the same opportunities to grow through books as I did. But today’s GOP is waging an all out assault on knowledge.

In 2022, book bans led by extreme Republicans surged to a 21 year high. And our librarians are facing daily threats and disparaging labels, being called everything from 'groomers' and 'pedophiles' to ‘communists’.

Republicans are blatantly trying to silence the discourse primarily around our LGBTQ and minority communities.

John, these attacks undermine the very foundations of our democratic society. That’s why earlier this year, I signed legislation prohibiting book bans -- making Illinois the first state in the country to do so.

My friends and I at DASS are on the frontlines of the GOP’s attacks from everything to our democracy to our libraries - but we need folks like you in this fight.

If you're with us, can you please chip in $3 to elect Democratic Secretaries of State who will fend off attacks from extremist Republicans?

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Thank you,

Alexi Giannoulias
Illinois Secretary of State