Tell BLM to Protect Alaska's Public Lands!



Alaska’s fish, wildlife, and public lands need your help! Across the state, 28 million acres of public lands could soon be repurposed for extractive industrial development. These public lands nourish local communities, sustain incredible fish and wildlife biodiversity — including salmon, caribou, and moose, and serve as massive carbon sinks for the planet. You can help keep these landscapes safe.

For the next 60 days, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is taking public comment as it reviews this sweeping rollback of protections. Tell the BLM that you want these irreplaceable intact landscapes to continue supporting local communities — and that you value clean water, healthy habitat, and food security over industrial development.

Tell the BLM to keep protections in place for 28 million acres of Alaska public lands!

Thank you for all you do,

Bonnie Gestring
Northwest Program Director, Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

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