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OUT NOW: 2024 Edition of 'Prevention With Purpose'
College is the ideal setting for innovative, campus-wide programming aimed at preventing and reducing drug use among college students, but these efforts remain few and far between.
This revised guide, titled?"Prevention with Purpose: A Strategic Planning Guide for Preventing Drug Misuse Among College Students", is intended to bridge that gap, by providing a roadmap for college- and university-based prevention professionals to collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, from students to administrators, to address campus-wide drug misuse issues.
In this?2024 edition of the guide?? first published in 2020 ? you will find updated data, profiles highlighting real-life stories from campus prevention professionals focused on a unique or innovative approach to the Strategic Prevention Framework, ideas for building considerations of cultural factors into each step of the SPF, and five strategies for success during times of disruption to campus life.
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Advice for Professionals [ [link removed] ]
Advice for Established and Emerging College AOD Misuse Prevention Professionals
Get an inside look at the lessons learned by a prevention professional with a history of addressing AOD misuse among college students.?
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This email was sent to xxxxxx@gmail.com?on behalf of Campus Drug Prevention ??600 Army Navy Drive ? Arlington, VA 22202 202-307-7936
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