Dear Friend, 
Last Friday, the Supreme Court announced that they would hear the case of Johnson v. Grants PassThis is the most significant Supreme Court case about homelessness in decades.  
At its core, this case is about cruelty toward unhoused people who have no place to sleep. It will decide whether cities can punish people for things like sleeping outside with a pillow or blanket, even when there are no safe shelter options. Click here to read our statement and for more details. 
The Law Center is committed to ensuring that the Supreme Court affirms the truth that all people, regardless of where they sleep, are covered under the Constitution’s protections against Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Since Friday, we have: 
  • Mobilized hundreds of coalition partners; 
  • Coordinated “friend of the court” briefs; and
  • Launched a national communications effort. 
Johnson v. Grants Pass is a 2018 court case that determined it is cruel and unusual punishment to arrest or ticket people for sleeping outside when they have no other safe place to go. The case started in Grants Pass, Oregon when the city began issuing tickets for people sleeping on public property, even when there are no safe, accessible shelter beds. Click to learn more about Johnson v. Grants Pass 
As temperatures drop and homelessness increases, we need your help to protect the rights and lives of unhoused people. 
Thank you, 
Antonia Fasanelli, Executive Director
National Homelessness Law Center

National Homelessness Law Center
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750-E
Washington, DC 20036
