Welcome to Wednesday, January 17th, snowflakes and icicles...

Donald Trump won Iowa's GOP Caucus by a landslide.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took second place with 21.2% of votes, and Nikki Haley took third with 19.1%. DeSantis lost to Trump by 30 points — the largest margin in caucus history. 

According to media entrance polls sponsored by CNN, NBC News, and CBS News, two-thirds of voters said that even if Trump was convicted, he would still be fit to be president. 

Are you ready for the presidential election?

Harsh winter storm conditions blast much of the U.S.

Severe cold temperatures have enveloped regions across the U.S., affecting the Rockies, Great Plains, and Midwest on Tuesday.

The frigid conditions brought wind chills below –30F in many parts, causing over 85,000 homes and businesses to lose power, and several deaths nationwide. 

Are you prepared for winter storms?

Maternal health in Arkansas: Share your story 📢

Arkansas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the country, with 43.5 deaths per 100,000 live births. In 2018, 92% of maternal deaths were found to be preventable, signifying an urgent need for concrete action. 

Arkansans for Improving Maternal Health -- AIM -- is dedicated to transforming maternal care in Arkansas. The mission is clear: raise awareness, ignite change, and drive action for maternal health improvement.

Here's where you come in. AIM has launched a platform at AIMforArkansas.org, designed exclusively to gather your stories and experiences. Your narratives are the rallying cry that will compel policymakers to prioritize the well-being of mothers and infants in Arkansas.

Share your story today, and be the catalyst for change.

And, in the end...

Today is Benjamin Franklin Day, paying tribute to a U.S. Founding Father and celebrating his discoveries in electricity. How will you celebrate Ben Frank today?

—Jamie Epstein

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