🚨Breaking News, John: Pro-NRA extremist Donald Trump just won in Iowa. We already knew it, but it looks like Trump is the frontrunner of the GOP on a glide path to the election. That means we need you to chip in right now.

In 2020, The NRA spent more than $16.5 million on his campaign. As their top speaker at the NRA's last convention, he called for arming teachers in classrooms and a national concealed carry bill.

But despite their deep pockets, young people kicked the gun lobby’s favorite puppet out of office. We rejected his dangerous policies before, which means we can do it again.

We cannot allow Trump and his pro-gun agenda anywhere near the Oval Office. Chip in $10 or any amount to fight back and bring that energy to the ballot box in 2024.

If you've saved your payment information with FastAction, your donation will go through immediately:
$10.00 $25.00 $35.00
$50.00 $100.00 Other

Thanks for investing in our movement to save lives.

In solidarity,

March For Our Lives


Paid for by March for Our Lives
March For Our Lives
P.O. Box 3417
New York, NY 10008
United States
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