Every donation you make Oldham Foodbank to makes a huge difference.
For more information call 0161 622 1061
We need your help and support
Everyday volunteers provide vital services. We need extra help right now. Sign up with Action Together and they will identify opportunities for you in your area. This is for things like helping at a foodbank during the emergency.
Schools and 'early years' settings
Schools, colleges and early years settings will be closed from today for most children until further notice. They remain open to provide care for a limited number of children.
This is for children whose parents are key workers and cannot be safely cared for at home
and children with social workers and Education, Health and Care Plans.
Who is a key worker?
Please note that if you are a key worker with a child who is 0–5 years old, and you need child care, a list of potential providers can be found here.
All other children will need to stay at home, so we ask that you do not send your child into school from Monday onwards.
Why we should all be social distancing