John –

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Minnesota became an island in the Upper Midwest – the only state that didn’t enact draconian limitations on abortions.

Minnesotans favor this by a wide margin, but the GOP has other plans. They aim to severely limit abortions here like nearly all of our neighboring states.

We need to make sure this never happens and the only way to do that is by passing an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution guaranteeing reproductive freedom across our state.

Are you with me? Add your name now to urge the DFL-controlled legislature to make an abortion amendment a top priority next session.

Governor Walz signed on to the idea last weekend, “calling it a safeguard from future Republican control.”

With the GOP deadset on banning abortion everywhere, this is Minnesotans only option to ensure that it stays safe and legal here.

Tell the DFL-controlled legislature to put it on the ballot this fall. Minnesota voters want abortion to be safe and legal by wide margins. Let’s give them what they want!

Thank you!



Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States