Representation is incredibly important during this COVID-19 crisis.
Please watch our PSA.
I know this is a time of great uncertainty. Many of us are wondering if we’ll still have jobs in a few weeks. How are we going to pay for groceries much less get them in our homes? Can I still get my medicine? Is there somebody I can talk to?
If you have any questions about COVID-19 and need answers about resources and programs in place for assistance, Team Ashcraft has built a NYC COVID-19 Online Center.You can find information on what to do if you think you have COVID-19 symptoms, updates on housing policies, numerous resources for counseling, and some of my favorite ways I’ve been spending my time while social distancing.
Speaking of social distancing...will you be joining my first “Ask Ashcraft” virtual town hall tonight at 6:30 pm?I’ll be talking about how our campaign is revamping to address COVID-19 concerns, how different leadership in Washington D.C. could have helped all of us prepare for this better, plus I’ll be taking questions for the last half hour. And because this was originally supposed to be an opportunity to celebrate my birthday with my incredible volunteers and supporters, feel free to log in with a drink in your hand! You can RSVP here.