Foundation News
MARCH 2020
Foundation for Child Development: Foundation News
Dear Colleagues and Partners,
New developments about the implications of the coronavirus, COVID-19, seem to unfold by the hour, and the past few weeks have proved to be challenging. We, at the Foundation for Child Development, would like to take a moment to acknowledge the multitude of efforts underway during this unprecedented time. We appreciate the many professional and personal sacrifices that families, schools, funders, non-profits, researchers, workers, policymakers and businesses are making.
I’d like to assure you that the work of the Foundation continues during this time of crisis. We have made adjustments to ensure the health and safety of our staff by closing our New York City office, working remotely, and suspending all business travel. Furthermore, we are taking steps to reach out to our grantee partners to consider their needs and the potential impact on activities, reporting, and timelines related to their work.
As we exercise thoughtful flexibility in the near term, we reaffirm our commitment to stay the course to promote system changes in early care and education that can fulfill the promise of high-quality early learning experiences to all young children. We’re in this together; let’s take care of each other.
With gratitude,
Jacqueline Jones
President and CEO
Foundation for Child Development
ABOUT US Research, policy and practice—we connect these pieces to help build early childhood systems that enable children to reach their full potential. Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development identifies needs, fills gaps and integrates knowledge for successful implementation and continuous improvement. Learn more about our focus areas and download resources by clicking these links:
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