Dear John,
The latest data reveal that kill-buyers sent 17,997 horses through Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas and on to their death in Mexican slaughter plants in 2023.
We calculate that constitutes about 666 truckloads of American equines—30 animals to a truck—transported from safe havens in the United States to slaughterhouses in Mexico, and also to Canada. That’s two jam-packed trucks bound for slaughter plants every day of the year.
One day the horses are galloping in a pasture. Or carrying a human companion on a shade-covered trail in a painted forest. Or racing on a track in front of thousands, with fans admiring their grace and their flexing of muscle as they eat up ground and gallop at 45 miles an hour.
On a different day, however, they may be sold at auction. They are then hustled up the ramp of a trailer and jammed in with other frightened horses. Sent to a hold facility with dirty water, no food, their injuries unattended. And transported again in another overcrowded truck with urine and feces-covered floors, often on a journey of more than 20 hours, with no break or food or water.
And then, with eyes as big as saucers, they are forced into a kill box with an electric prod. There, men put a captive bolt gun to their heads and slit their throats. They are then taken apart piece by piece.
Their parts are sent to Belgium or China for a high-end diner to consume, perhaps without a thought of the suffering the animal endured for such a fleeting meal.
The nearly 18,000 horses shipped to Mexico is an increase in number from last year. In fact, it’s the biggest annual increase in the movement of live horses to Mexico since 2012.
In an investigation we released a year ago, we documented that these animals—most of whom provided years of faithful service and companionship or ran free on public lands in the American West—are routinely subjected to a level of mistreatment inconsistent with the dictates of our anti-cruelty laws and at odds with the norms of our long-standing appreciation of these animals.
These facts tell us one thing: We must ban the slaughter of U.S.-born horses shipped live to Canada or Mexico for that awful end-of-life experience.
And I write to ask for your help.
Let’s remember, our nation does not allow the slaughter of American horses for consumption on U.S. soil. The last slaughter plants in our country were shuttered in 2007. So why, then, are we allowing kill buyers to export live American horses to Canada and Mexico for slaughter for consumption?
We are sounding the alarm to lawmakers in Congress that healthy American equines are being butchered in a secretive, inhumane trade to Mexico.
We need your help to get Congress to finish the job.
Please, we need your help on two fronts.
First, we need your financial support to continue our investigations and our lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill. Please consider donating today by going here.
And second, we need you to raise your voice and to urge your two U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative to cosponsor the SAFE Act. You can take action quickly and easily by going here.
I hope that by mid-2024, I don’t have to ask you ever again to support the SAFE Act. By that time, if we show strength and we engage our lawmakers, this legislation will have been signed into law by that time.
And that means that this whole miserable horse-meat trade will be an ugly footnote in our history.
Remember, it was horses who helped us settle and expand the nation. They facilitated our travel for nearly two hundred years, they carried us into battle, and they gave us joy and the thrill of sport.
They have already made immense sacrifices for us. It’s time for those sacrifices to end.
In the 21st century, we need to be their protectors, not their persecutors.
Please take action on these two fronts today.
For the horses,
Wayne Pacelle
Animal Wellness Action